Independent Contractor Agreement
You are an independent contractor and not an employee of Unkle Munkey's Mixed Media (UMMM)
This means UMMM
Mystery Shopping Suppliers collect sensitive business intelligence. To contract with UMMM as an SSA, you must comply with the following Terms as stated:
Client projects vary in scope and payment amounts, depending on the client’s objectives. In some cases, you may receive services and/or products in addition to or as your compensation. Do not assume that you may make a purchase and receive reimbursement for it unless a reimbursement amount is clearly communicated in the Stated Client Objectives.
Reimbursement amounts, when allowed, vary and are usually limited to a specific amount. UMMM does not reimburse for mileage, postage or telephone calls/fax fees. These expenses are the responsibility of the Secret Shopping Agent, as an Independent Contractor.
An applicable receipt must be submitted in order to claim any allowable reimbursement amounts.
By agreeing to these terms, I confirm that I am at least 18 years of age and that I have read and understand the entire Independent Contractor Agreement. I further understand that once I register to qualify as a Secret Shopping Agent, I am bound by this Agreement.
This means UMMM
- May request your services on a project-by-project basis or not at all.
- Will not withhold taxes from your compensation and will not pay any taxes on your behalf.
- Will pay you only via PayPal. You must have an active PayPal account to shop for UMMM.
- Will not cover you under any type of workers compensation plan.
- Will not provide tools or equipment for completion of a shop.
- Will complete projects from your own location or place of business (may be a home office).
- Are able to accept mystery shop projects based on your own schedule or hours of availability.
- Must provide a home phone number so UMMM staff can contact you regarding your accepted shops.
- Are responsible for submitting an invoice as a shop attachment.
- Are able to determine the volume of shop projects you accept for completion.
- Are able to accept shop projects from other mystery shopping companies.
- Are a self-directed supplier and will not receive direct supervision regarding completing projects. Shop deliverables are assessed upon completion.
- Are not required to attend regular meetings or performance updates.
- Are not required to sign in and out according to hours of work.
- Creates an implied contract between you, as the independent contractor, and UMMM.
- Means you will perform the project in compliance with the criteria contained in the Stated Client Objectives, Notifications, Scheduler Updates and the Terms of this Agreement.
- Means that if conflicts arise such that you are unable to fulfill a project, you must notify the AboutFace scheduler 24 hours in advance, either by telephone or e-mail, so that we may reschedule the project.
- Means that failure to notify us in a timely manner will jeopardize your contractual status with us. We maintain a record of all mystery shopping supplier “no call/no shows.”
Mystery Shopping Suppliers collect sensitive business intelligence. To contract with UMMM as an SSA, you must comply with the following Terms as stated:
- You are not to discuss, duplicate, disseminate or divulge information relating to UMMM, our clients, potential clients, any client project or potential client project to anyone, without prior written consent from UMMM.
- You are not to discuss the details of the client project with anyone other than UMMM before, during or after you have accepted the project. Our clients’ desire for confidentiality is of the utmost importance, and we take our shopping procedures seriously.
- As a trusted participant in the secret shopping process, you promise to keep all processes and results used in the assessment of those accounts confidential. This means you do not discuss any details about your secret shopping experiences on websites, chat rooms, social media, post photos, or with anyone at the locations where you shop.
- You may not be paid for a client project if your behavior before, during or after the mystery shop is so obvious that the very people you are shopping realize that you are an SSA of UMMM or if your actions or disclosures let people know that a mystery shop is occurring within a particular industry or at a particular location. Violations of the confidentiality provisions of this Agreement will be reported to the Mystery Shopping Providers Association and could adversely affect your ability to contract with other MSPA member companies.
- You agree not to accept a client project if you are an immediate family member, employee or former employee of a UMMM client. You should immediately let our scheduler know if this condition applies when accepting a project. To avoid any potential conflicts, and to make sure that no confidentiality issues arise, you should never accept any project if you or a close relative or friend works in the company or line of business which is being shopped.
- Finally, any infraction of the confidentiality provisions or any other part of this Agreement by you that causes UMMMto violate the confidentially provisions of its Agreements with its clients or to lose credibility, anonymity or future business may result in civil action against you for the damages you have caused by your failure to comply with these confidentiality provisions.
Client projects vary in scope and payment amounts, depending on the client’s objectives. In some cases, you may receive services and/or products in addition to or as your compensation. Do not assume that you may make a purchase and receive reimbursement for it unless a reimbursement amount is clearly communicated in the Stated Client Objectives.
Reimbursement amounts, when allowed, vary and are usually limited to a specific amount. UMMM does not reimburse for mileage, postage or telephone calls/fax fees. These expenses are the responsibility of the Secret Shopping Agent, as an Independent Contractor.
An applicable receipt must be submitted in order to claim any allowable reimbursement amounts.
By agreeing to these terms, I confirm that I am at least 18 years of age and that I have read and understand the entire Independent Contractor Agreement. I further understand that once I register to qualify as a Secret Shopping Agent, I am bound by this Agreement.